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Features Image Wildsilver Dev Update

Wildsilver: Dev Update

Wildsilver has been in development for quite some time now. A so-called ‘Demo’ has been released in 2021, and since then, new screenshots from the full version of the game were regularly shown on Instagram and Facebook. However, I think it’s time for a more detailled update.

Features Image Turn Based Jrpg Survey 2022. Results 1

Turn-based-JRPG Survey 2022: Results

Some weeks ago, I created a short survey and posted it on Instagram and in some Facebook groups themed around RPGs. The survey consisted in a number of questions about preferences in turn-based JRPGs. Here are the results.

Featured Image 10 Classics

10 favourite Classics: These Games need a Remaster

There are many old games that were extraordinarily good at their time. Some of them are still good today. But the gaming industry has evolved. Here’s a list of NES, SNES, N64 and GCN classics that would benefit from new technology and expertise.

Featured Image Rpg Maker Xy. My Hopes For The Next Instalment

RPG Maker XY: My Hopes for the next Instalment

A new RPG Maker will be released this year: RPG Maker Unite. But I’m not as hyped as I should be. Instead of Unite’s brand-new approach to making RPGs, I would prefer just a significant upgrade — not an MZ Ace, but something even better —, and I’d like to discuss with you the features that would make our lives as RPG creators much easier.

Featured Image Wildsilver Demo. 'kind Of Its Own Thing'

Wildsilver Demo: ‘Kind of its own Thing’?

I keep telling people that the Wildsilver Demo isn’t your ordinary demo, but ‘kind of its own thing’. It doesn’t simply consist in the first section of the full game, but works as a (gameplay-focussed) game itself. Here’s how it came about — and why.

Featured Image Wildsilver Demo. Let's Make This An Awesome Game!

Wildsilver Demo: Let’s make this an awesome Game!

Wildsilver will be the most complex Great Potions game and will need quite some time in development. Therefore, a demo has been released on Steam to at least give you a glimpse of what is coming — and to make sure the battle mechanics are actually fun before I dive deep into creating the game around them.

Featured Image Creative Phases in Game Development

Creative Phases in Game Development: Why release a Prototype?

Thus far, I have created my games following a game design document rather strictly. It is time to shake things up – and release the Wildsilver prototype way ahead of the full game. Isn’t player feedback the most valuable when there is actually time to incorporate it?

Featured Image LV99. Why it took 18 Months to design a single Dungeon

LV99: Why it took 18 Months to design 2 1/2 Dungeons

Immediately after releasing Game Master Plus, I started working on its successor. It was a journey much longer than expected from the first idea to the full game. In this article, I will give you some more insight into the development of LV99: Final Fortress and explain to you what problems I faced along the way.

Featured Image Player Motivation. 12 Aspects of Game Design

Player Motivation: 12 Aspects of Game Design

What you find fun in a game depends a lot on your personality and experience. But can the elements of a game that players enjoy be generalised or categorised? What does the science say about how to design a game that players cannot put down? Let’s have a look at two theoretical models by Richard Bartle and Nick Yee which describe player types and engaging game elements, respectively.